Call: (856) 784-1101


You may be thinking that dryer vent cleaning services are an expense that you can do without. In these tough economic times when everyone is tightening their belt, do it yourself has become the watchword for many homeowners.

It is not that you can't clean your own vent; often homeowners are able to remove any lint build up from their dryers or ducts adequately. However, there are times when you should consider dryer vent cleaning services.

Lint build up isn't the only reason why a dryer may suffer from reduced airflow. The warm air that is emitted from a vent is attractive to animals, especially in the winter.

Some small animals and birds try to build their nests in the vent, and the materials can clog the ducts. Depending on the thickness of the wall and the width of the duct, a homeowner may not be able reach all the nesting material.

Dryer vent cleaning services will be able to help people clean the ductwork that is inside the walls. These companies have tools that are able to access the ductwork and clear the obstruction.

Another area that can create problems for dryer obstruction is the flexible hose that runs between the dryer and the wall. The wet lint can cling to the lining of the hose, and collect in the bends of the hose on its path to the wall.

Depending on the length of the hose and place where it connects to the wall, a homeowner may not be able to access the entire length. It is also difficult for some homeowners to move the dryer in order to remove the hose for cleaning.

Dryer vent cleaning services can help a homeowner take apart the dryer hose and the dryer itself if necessary. Sometimes when lint bypasses the trap it collects on the barrel of the dryer or other internal components.

A dryer isn't always easy to breakdown for cleaning. If a particular part of a dryer can't be cleaned, a professional will have tools a homeowner can't purchase.

These tools are able to reach areas that are inaccessible by any other means. Often, a dryer vent cleaning services can get a dryer cleaner than a homeowner can.

This helps a dryer last longer, cost less to run and prevent fires. Dryer vent fires cost millions of dollars every year, in addition to the lives that can be lost.

The $20 it costs to run a dryer that is lint clogged and the $84 million in fire damage caused by clogged vents are too high a price to pay compared to dryer vent cleaning services. Dryer maintenance conducted every year can save millions of dollars in the end, and can delay the replacement of a dryer.

While some projects can be done by homeowners, other projects are not. Homeowners need to save money and determine what improvements and maintenance are necessary, and which ones aren't. Dryer vent cleaning services are important for proper home maintenance.

For professional dryer vent cleaning, call MS Enterprises LLC today at (856) 784-1101 and visit us online at

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