Call: (856) 784-1101


All our lives we've been told to wash our hands regularly. The problem is, not everybody follows that simple rule of life. They use the bathroom, sneeze or cough, rub their nose, and touch surface areas several times a day. Without even considering the consequences, they grab door handles, use light switches and use community items like coffee pots, microwaves and refrigerators. They leave behind germs, bacteria and viruses that can make people sick. Keeping your employees and customers healthy requires regular office cleaning with disinfectants that kill those nasty germs.

In an experiment done by the University of Arizona, an artificial virus was applied to the hands of select participants at the beginning of the work day, and they worked as usual throughout the office. Within four hours, more than half of the surfaces and employees were infected with the artificial virus. While this was just an experiment, it demonstrates how important it is to provide a clean environment for your employees and clients. While it's not necessarily possible for you to have a cleaning crew on duty every minute of the day, you should have regular, thorough cleaning done by a professional cleaning company.

The surfaces that are most likely to be contaminated come as no surprise, they are the ones that people touch the most. Things such as door handles, telephones, desks, keyboards and light switches rank highest on the list. But that's not all. The handle of the refrigerator, community coffee pot and the water fountain are also breeding grounds for germs and bacteria. All of these surfaces need to be wiped down with a disinfectant to kill the germs and keep them safe for everyone.

In addition, dust accumulates on every surface within an office. Computers are notorious for attracting dust, just look at your keyboard and display screen and you'll see this in action. Window blinds, the tops of door frames, desks, chairs and filing cabinets also attract dust. Not only is it unsightly, but it can carry with it mold spores and airborne pathogens that can cause allergies and other respiratory illnesses.

Dust doesn't just accumulate on furniture and other surfaces, a lot of it ends up in the carpet and on the floor. The worst part about this dust is that it's stirred up every time someone walks around, resettling or spreading to other areas of the office. Vacuuming with a machine equipped with a good filter system helps reduce the dust and dirt in the carpeting. Thorough sweeping and mopping is also important for keeping bare floors clean and dust free. However, professional carpet and upholstery cleaning scheduled on a regular basis can eliminate dust and contaminants and reduce allergens and bacteria found in carpet and on upholstered furniture.

Finally, the quality of cleaning products can also make a difference in how effective the surfaces are disinfected. While some products claim to be multi-purpose, there are specialty cleaning solutions that work well on certain surfaces.The health and well-being of your employees and customers is important. Maintaining a clean environment is one of the best ways that you can assure this, especially with the thoroughness of a professional office cleaning crew.

If your company is in need of a professional cleaning company to ensure the health of your employees, call MS Enterprises LLC today at (856) 784-1101. Visit us online at

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